Breathe new life into your home
Don’t attempt risky home remodeling overhauls on your own! S.T.O.M. Contracting in Richmond, Kentucky offers affordable and reliable home remodeling and construction packages that will satisfy any budget in the Bluegrass. Are you dreaming of restructuring the interior layout of your home, removing a wall to expand the square footage of your kitchen, or reconfiguring your bedroom to make room for a larger bath area or closet space? A home remodel is the perfect solution to remedy an otherwise expensive and pricey move. Real estate markets can be unkind… Stay put and remodel your home with S.T.O.M.
Home remodeling with confidence
At S.T.O.M. Contracting we employ professional plumbers, electricians, HVAC teams, and other sub-contractors to join our home remodeling team to tackle any home remodeling project that you can imagine. S.T.O.M. Contracting is here to listen to your ideas and help you make all your dreams come true. Our experienced professionals will produce every remodel according to standard local codes and make accessing all the necessary building and construction permits a piece of cake. Leave the heavy lifting to the professionals at S.T.O.M. Contracting where our workmanship can’t be beat!
Upgraded functionality
Change the functionality of your home. With S.T.O.M. Contracting, make unusable space useable again! Turn your unfinished basement into the home recreation center that you have always dreamed of, or that forgotten attic space into a guest suite and invite your friends and family to come and stay for special occasions and holidays! Home remodeling creates brand new layouts and floorplans to help your lifestyle flow seamlessly, improves traffic patterns within your home, and revives the sense of possibility that you felt when you first moved in. With a new baby on the way, or aging parents that need more accessibility to downstairs living, S.T.O.M. can revitalize your home and give you and your family the necessary the space that you need.
Rehabilitate your finances
Home remodeling can make a dramatic difference in your finances, both present and future! When homes are outdated, utility bills can skyrocket due to poor insulation or inappropriate air flow throughout the layout of the home. A remodel can make a home more energy efficient and sustainable. Water lines can easily freeze in the winter cold when they are incorrectly placed towards the exterior of your home. A home remodel can correct this issue. Home remodeling can increase future property sale potential as the value of your investment will grow if it is done correctly and in good taste. You can feel confident that the professionals at S.T.O.M. Contracting will do the job well, which will ensure greater success that these financial opportunities can be yours.
Rejuvenate your property
There are many reasons to think about remodeling your home. Here are just a few:
- Repair safety issues
- Increase your home’s value
- Prepare for retirement
- Improve functionality
- Make appliances more modern and unique
- Create more space for your family
- Make your home more enjoyable to live in
- The house just isn’t as appealing any longer
- Give your home better style
- Make your home more efficient
- Help reduce the cost of your utilities
- It’s fun to remodel!